Monday, August 6, 2012

Party Time

Pauline showed me how to do some digital scrapbooking so I decided I was going to make the girl's birthday invite this year. I think for my first time it turned out pretty cute. Scotlynn will be fishing with her dad and grandpa in Strawberry on her actual birthday, so I decided to do a double party for my girlie's closer to Harper's actual of August 31st. Harper has a hard time liking Scotlynn right now so the picture on the invite is as good as it gets for now. Maybe one day they will be best friends, but for now Scottie has to keep her distance or deal with the consequences which usually consist of a lot of crying and some hair pulling once in a while.
I'm still trying to figure out where 11 months of my life have gone.
 How can she be a year old already??
In the past year Scotynn has grown an enormous vocabulary and a personality to go with it.
Some of the things that I remember her saying are:

"you are ruining my life."

"mom, you scattered my sparkles on the floor and now I'm not sure how you expect me to respect you."

" I would really like to marry Justin Bieber, but I think he is already married to that Selena Gomez."

Scottie: "mom, do I get to go to kindergarten this year?"
me:"no Scotlynn you are only three turning four, when you are four turning five you get to go to kindergarten."
Scottie:"but mom my body is telling me I'm five!"

there really is so much more and I tell myself every year that I am going to write them down ,then I never do and it slips my mind.
In the past year (still having a hard time believing its been a year) Harper has drove me completely insane made me so happy and everything in between.
Harper says only a few words like bye bye (with a backwards wave), tickle tickle tickle, mom and hot. She is becoming very independent and crawls every where!! She stands up while holding furniture and will be walking soon I'm pretty sure. Harper sleeps all night and has done since she was a couple months old. Her favorite snack is ginger snap cookies(messy) and coco marshmallow matey's. She has six teeth four on top two on bottom. Her hair is going to be dark and it's starting to get long enough that I can tell its going to be curly(yuck). I love her big brown eye's and I'm starting to appreciate how much she loves me(it was hard for a while).

I really am so lucky to have these girls. My wish for them is that they grow up to be strong independent women that find their own paths in life and never settle. I hope they can grow up to appreciate each other and be best friends.
Happy Birthday my girls!!

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