Scotlynn is twenty months today!!! I cant believe in four short months she is going to be two. Scotlynn has been officially potty trained since April 1, 2010. I took away daytime diapers completely and put big girl wonders wears on and we have only had one slight accident that started in the wonder wears and ended in the potty!!! I am so proud of my girl, she has picked up on thing so quickly it amazes me everyday! A few things that I could have lived without for a little while or ever are:
- Scotlynn putting her hand over my mouth and telling me to" shut up, mommy" yeah I know crazy.
- This weired noise she makes when she is mad not quite a scream but even more annoying.
- Her fascination with pens and coloring on everything including my new to me yellow chair!
- Her strange torment of Avary and Logann, she will be just standing and watching them do what ever they are doing and all of a sudden she gets this look on her face and attacks...why???
- I cant stand that she eats dirt and sucks on rocks, who's kids do that?????????
- Her being sick is really starting to get to me. It seems like every two to three weeks she is coming down with the same thing she just got over ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
There is soooo many things I love about Scotlynn. A few things that she just started or has been doing for a while are:
- NO piddles or stinks in the pants!!!
- I love how when you ask her a yes or no question she matter of fact says "Yeshhh"
- I love that she lets me do her hair even if she is pulling it out a couple of hours later.
- I love that she tells me she is tired and all I have to do is put her in her crib and she falls asleep for her nap or the night with no fight!
- I love how now when she wears her wonder wears her little butt crack peeks out of her pants.
- I love how she puckers her little lips and in a funny almost demonic voice asks "what we watching mommy?" I answer with what ever Disney movie is on at the moment and she replies with "YESHHHH".
- I love how smitten she is with her Papa's and how he has to tell me (more then once) every time he sees her that there is just something about her and how special she is to him. It melts my heart to see her run to the front door when she hears his voice and not let him go when he needs to leave.
I waited so long for this little girl and I must say she was totally worth the wait (check back in 10 years and I might be saying the total opposite)!!
Scotlynn, I love you from the ground up to the sky, over, under and to the side!!!
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