Monday, April 18, 2011

Viva Las Vegas

Robert decided that we needed to have a quick get away! We left after Travis won his fourth baseball game in a row WAHOO go Mariners!!! Majority of our time was spent at Circus Circus where Robert managed to win both kids something super cool without totally breaking the bank! I managed to break the bank on one pair of Joe's maternity jeans, but they are oh so worth it (and I spent my own money on them)!!!
 We also headed to H&M of course and Shark Reef (the kids totally love it) and MGM to see the FREE Lion habitat. Vegas was fun why it lasted, but my legs were glad we  were done I haven't walked that much since before I found out I was pregnant! Oh we also made it to the welcome to Vegas sign mainly because early bird Robert was in such a hurry to leave the room in the morning that when we started driving we realized NOTHING we wanted to do was going to be open for about two more hours!

*On a side note- I have been slightly obsessed with the band Mumford and Sons lately and I'm curious is the album worth buying???????


Jessica said...

Yes...we love Mumford and Sons. Did you see them live at Cochella on youtube?

Robert and Jordane said...

I am going to buy it on iTunes right now. I didn't see the Cochella live feed I wish I would have. A friend of mine went and I think Robert and I are going to try to make it there next year!