Says please every time she wants something from me and thankyouwelcome (all one word) after I give it to her.
If she spills she will ask for a paper towel and will wipe up her mess if I give her one.
If something happens and I ask her if she did it she replies "no didn't do it mommy".
She WILL ask for your gum if she sees you chewing it. If you don't give it to her she will state your name and add meanie to the end of it.
She calls Travis Big Brother.
If I ask where her sippy cup is she yells "sippy cup where are you sippy cup".
She asks to take a bath tub and a shower everyday some times more than once for both.
When she smiles really big her front teeth look like beaver teeth.(picture below to prove it)
She has the most amazing big brown eyes that make me melt.
She says yes so cute it kind of like yeth with a bit of a lisp.
She will poop on the potty almost always if I am diligent about watching the signs and when I ask if she has to go to the toilet she takes me by the hand and tells me hurry, hurry, hurry as we run to the toilet.
So much more I could say and new things happening everyday. I am so blessed to be this little girls mom, words can not express the joy she brings me I would be lost with out her!! I love you Scottie potty!!!!
Told ya

Scotlynn singing "I know you, I know you" from Sleeping Beauty and dancing with her baby
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