Sunday, January 3, 2010

Look who finally decided to come home.......sort of...

I finally went and picked Travis up from Michael's house last night. I got no more then three blocks before I was talking to myself because Travis was OUT for the count!! I had to wake him up shortly after when we arrived at Wal-Mart and he was up and ready to go for another six hours. Since we have been home this is all I have seen him do!?!?

This is his serious game face

Madden '09 has become an addiction for him... "BOO". The only conversation I have been able to get out of him for the last 12hours is about how he is the Vikings (can't say that I blame him on that) and who he's versing and how he scored on them. I think I liked it better when the charging cord was lost. I want my son back!!! Come back from the gaming dark side Travis I'll watch any movie you pick with you if you put down the DS.

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