she is wearing make-up, but if you look close you can see her battle with one of the doggies she tried to skin where she ultimately took a bite to the face! Cruela will never win!! (really the neighbors dog thought she was getting a little to close for comfort so he did bite her in the face) |
Oh my gosh....... we had the best Halloween this year!! It was so nostalgic, I loved every second of it. We went to the factory stores so my dad could go with the kids, its an easy in and out.
We go every year to the big house in Green Valley and the kids get their full size candy bars and ride the train. After we all went back to dads house to drop him off when we decided we were going to go to Sugar Leo in Bloomington and OMG there was no where to park and the streets were filled with people, it was just like I remember Halloween growing up in Bloomington. I had lost faith in good old fashioned trick-or-treating when they started the lame trunk-or-treat crap, but Bloomington restored my faith that my kids will get to experience some of the fun things I did as a child!!!
me: "Scotlynn can you say trick-or-treat?"
Travis: "yeah, Scottie say trick-or-treat smell my feet"
Scotlynn:" trick-or-treat smell my..................UNDERWEAR hahaha"
Song of the day- Better Together by Jack Johnson (I loved his concert that we went to with Jenny, so much fun)